Middle School Digital Literacy & Computer Science PLG
Are you a middle school teacher who has been tasked with teaching digital literacy or computer science courses at your school? Are you looking for strategies, best practices, and support for teaching these classes? Then this is the professional learning group for you!
Informational Flyer - Coming Soon!
The Middle School Digital Literacy and Computer Science Professional Learning Group is a sustained professional development offering (3 meetings – 1 Fall, 2 Spring) in which you will learn:
The first meeting date of the PLG is WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2018 @ The UARIC.
Meeting #2 - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018
Meeting #3 - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018
Application Form - Complete this form and then have your principal send an email to [email protected] in lieu of an approving signature.
Please submit applications by 4:45 PM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018. An email from the principal approving of your participation should be received no later than Wednesday, October 10, 2018. See the application form for more details.
(No late applications will be accepted!)
E-Mail questions to Dr. Robert Mayben at [email protected]
Notification of acceptance into the PLG will be sent on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018.
This is ahead of the 2 week window for professional leave required by some systems.
Informational Flyer - Coming Soon!
The Middle School Digital Literacy and Computer Science Professional Learning Group is a sustained professional development offering (3 meetings – 1 Fall, 2 Spring) in which you will learn:
- Practical strategies for teaching computer science concepts such as computational thinking and coding.
- How to find and evaluate tools and resources you need in order to both teach and learn with your students.
- Approaches to assessment and project-based assignments that solve authentic problems.
- How to engage students as producers and not merely consumers of digital tools and technology.
- And before you ask, yes, there will be robots, drones, games, unplugged activities, and more!
The first meeting date of the PLG is WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2018 @ The UARIC.
Meeting #2 - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018
Meeting #3 - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018
Application Form - Complete this form and then have your principal send an email to [email protected] in lieu of an approving signature.
Please submit applications by 4:45 PM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018. An email from the principal approving of your participation should be received no later than Wednesday, October 10, 2018. See the application form for more details.
(No late applications will be accepted!)
E-Mail questions to Dr. Robert Mayben at [email protected]
Notification of acceptance into the PLG will be sent on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018.
This is ahead of the 2 week window for professional leave required by some systems.
- The PLG is limited to 10 middle school (6-8) teachers in UA/UWA In-Service Region.
- Systems reimbursed for subs provided that teachers attend each meeting (up to 10 teachers will be funded by the UARIC).
- After the 10 teachers are selected, if a system/school would like to pay for their own subs in order for more of their teachers to attend, then a maximum of another 8 teachers can be accepted (without sub funding from the UARIC).